Specialty fiber cleaving by NYFORS
NYFORS takes pride in developing high-precision and high-reproducibility automated cleavers. While the AUTOCLEAVER™ model is designed mainly for standard telecom fiber, our AUTOCLEAVER LDF™ and AUTOCLEAVER LDF-M™ units are optimized to offer the same reliability when cleaving mid-span and larger diameter fibers. These types of fibers are processed in a fast and repeatable way, enabling high production yield and operator skill independence in challenging production applications such as fiber laser and high power components manufacturing.
The stable and robust cleaver design with precision mechanical parts gives a closely controlled and torque-free clamping process with consistently low cleave angles. Data from production testing of delivered large-diameter NYFORS cleavers shows a mean cleave angle of less than 0.15 degrees on 400 micrometers cladding fiber with very low variation in results. This cleaving performance shows significant stability over time, with very little variance in the achieved angle also when the cleaver is used continuously during long periods of operation, resulting in low maintenance requirements.
The NYFORS cleavers including AUTOCLEAVER LDF™ and AUTOCLEAVER LDF-M™ models are built around the patent-pending tension and scribe cleaving technology, providing close control of the diamond blade movement. This ensures minimal blade intrusion and excellent end face surface quality.
To control the cleaver performance in production environments and for cleave process optimization, NYFORS has developed a line of precision interferometers for highly accurate measurements of end face angle and inspection of surface quality. The CLEAVEMETER™ series provides valuable information when dealing with difficult fiber cleave processes with complicated internal structures such as polarizing maintaining fiber or microstructured fibers.