Low index recoating by NYFORS
The NYFORS optical fiber recoating platforms are designed for fast and convenient processing of both high-index telecom and low-index double-clad coating materials. All models incorporate the same high power UV LED curing system with a center wavelength of 380 nm.
It has been successfully tested with a range of different low-index specialty compounds from Luvantix, DSM Desotech and other manufacturers with fast cure times and high-quality recoating results. Evaluated materials include SSCP EFiRON UVF PC-373, DSM Desotech DF-0016 and other commonly used compounds.
The low-index capability in combination with the flexibility of our silicone mould technology (with moulds available to accommodate common double-clad coating diameters such as 550 µm) enables fast and efficient fiber processing in production and laboratory settings where there is a need to recoat fibers with challenging specialty coating materials and different coating diameters.
The small and portable MINICOATER 2™ and MICROCOATERT™ (with battery operation) give the operator freedom in situations where portability and flexibility are needed. The RECOATER 2™ and AUTOCOATER 2™ series offer similar flexibility but are designed for production environment with added capabilities such as prooftesting and automatic resin dispensing.